Author: A Social Animal

No WMDs in IRAQ… funny … why has ISIS now found them?

Remember how the left (and that means much/most of the media) – told us that no WMDs were found in Iraq? Hmm… ISIS storms a complex with reserves of Mustard Gas + sarin… by every sensible definition – those are…

postfix queue clearing…

first – you want to get the script from here: Next – create a script to inspect the mailq and then a single message – finally, ask if the message should be deleted – very linear script.. #!/bin/sh…

MS Internet Explorer – falling apart at the seams?

Perhaps not quite, but major issues made public on Saturday, and not a patch in sight…   * Internet Explorer Vulnerability affect ALL versions of MS IE. * Another way to make your Microsoft Internet Explorer safer – Disable ActiveX…

First plugin published yesterday: post edit toolbar is LIVE!

Last updated on April 28th, 2014 at 05:11 pm‘post-edit-toolbar’ became a WordPress Hosted plugin yesterday… YAY! This plugin would not have been possible without ‘page-edit-toolbar’ – and my funky way of working… in so much as, I get interrupted…

trade show cards – a must-have app – Card Munch

Having just got back from a business conference, I have a small stack of business cards which I want to capture – and this happens every time I go to a conference, trade-show, or large business networking event – I’m…

install phpmyadmin on webmin + think “webmin phpmyadmin doesn’t work”?

If you install phpmyadmin under centos or webmin, bringing up: or yields a 403 – Forbidden – you don’t have permissions type error: Look for the section on ‘allow from’ in the file: /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf It should be near…

How a handgun works infographics…

How a handgun works: 1911 .45 

Obamacare sign ups are still pathetic – and they want us to celebrate the number of visitors?

Obamacare Signups are STILL not happening! You’re going to see a ton of reports that now the ACA website has been “fixed”- that the number of website visitors has dramatically risen – and this is somehow a good thing. No…

we are social animal

Detecting if page is SSL in PHP – or – PHP SSL or NOT

In much earlier versions of PHP, it was easy to through a quick and dirty piece of code together and not worry about the php warnings – my first SSL-or-NOT detection was this simple: if ($_SERVER[‘HTTPS’] != “on”) { $proto…