Author: A Social Animal

Caving on North Korean threats sends the WRONG message

The Washington Post and I don’t often agree – but in this case, we do.. There is no way we should cave on this – given that there are reports from defectors that the People’s Republic has it’s hands in…

WordPress[DOT]com shortcode comes to WordPress self hosted… sort of…

I’ve always wanted a “display posts” shortcode in self-hosted WordPress – because it’s so handy – there is on in blogs, but to self-hosted, it never came… 🙁 so I found this plugin: but I have more than…

Facebook dislike

For then you need that “dislike button”: 180 pixels wide: 220 pixels wide:

Free reading material….

Last updated on September 14th, 2014 at 05:44 pmAmazon has an ever changing list of free ebooks here: Want free audio books? How about 550 of them?

Overselling – an industry standard or a dinosaur waiting for extinction?

Last updated on September 4th, 2014 at 08:40 amThe term is synonymous with web hosting – almost every host promises you the earth, moon and stars – and then expects you to not want to use them. So – in…

Weak passwords must DIE…

Short, dictionary based password must DIE… and here’s why:

We have just found a fairly strong, but short email password compromised on a server (which only has two customers on it) – this allowed scammers from Thailand to send out emails via the customer’s account for a number of hours before they were detected.

Gluten Free Beet + Carrot Cornbread

Last updated on June 2nd, 2020 at 06:48 am Gluten Free Beet + Carrot Cornbread  

post-edit-toolbar v1.4.7 – quite evolved…

Post Edit Toolbar is a productivity plugin for WordPress – you need this plugin if you blog or write pages frequently.

Moving from a dev/test WordPress install to a live environment

Migrating from one domain to another – or test to live environment – is fraught with problems in WordPress – info on how to get it done RELATIVELY easily.

mess with me once, shame on you – mess with me twice – now you’re annoying the heck out of me King Soopers…

Last updated on September 14th, 2014 at 05:32 pmOne thing annoys me more than finding things broken or not right – and that’s going back 3 days later to find the same thing still messed up – so listen UP…