British Tea + Tea Bags on Amazon

Last updated on January 27th, 2025 at 10:42 am

British foods on Amazon: Tea + Tea Bags

Tea + Tea Bags Found Online at Amazon …

PG Tips from the UK - Available on

PG Tips from the UK – Available on

Tea; it’s what built the British Empire… or is it?  I’m not sure, but I do know a day isn’t complete without a least a couple of ‘cuppas’! When I first came to the USA, I tried the local tea, and W.T.H. is that floor sweepings??  That’ll never do!!

So I embarked on a quest to get good tea — and back in 2000 when I came stateside, that was no easy task, I can tell you.  My first stop was what the Americans called ‘Tetley’ and you can find it to this day, in Walmart of all places. After spending a few dollars, brewing the kettle and spitting out the resulting brew, I just had to know what was up with this stuff. So, with a couple of calls placed to Tetley in Canada, I finally got them to admit it – the US ‘Tetley’ is not the same as regular Tetley tea bags back home. Instead, it’s what is known as ‘Orange Pekoe’ in the UK.  While that’s not a terrible tea if you like that sort of thing, it’s nothing like the British tea that I knew as Tetley.

I was left with trips home and family coming to visit – that was until Amazon came to the rescue!!  You can find many of your favourite foods and even tea from blighty on Amazon – hence my blog post here.  These are REAL British Tea and Teabags – no made up stuff here…

British Tea on Amazon Part 1:



Part TWO of our British Tea on Amazon is right here.


For more British foods online see my English Snacks on Amazon Part 1 & Part 2 posts.

See all the British Foods on Amazon Shopping List posts…

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