Category: The Present

Free spicy chicken at Chick-fil-a…

free chick-fil-a – get a free spicy chicken (something) from Chick-fil-a…

tweetup – #nocofat

nocofat, nocofat, nocofat

Google’s got game!

In what I think is a first, Google has replaced it’s logo with a variant of “Pacman” – which in and of itself, is not that unusual – right? Wrong! This isn’t a static image – it’s a working GAME!…

Research links pesticides with ADHD in kids

Last updated on March 24th, 2019 at 08:01 amwhat a surprise – research links messed up behaviors with ingesting messed up chemicals – who would-a-thunk it??? ABC Article on ADHD in children with pesticides.

75% off is a deal no matter what you’re buying…

OK, so perhaps you need to have a desire, or a need still, but 75% discount is a STEAL if you need or want the item on sale.. at least in my book. So what is it that you can…

The economy is in the toilet – but really, what can I do?

Last updated on September 10th, 2014 at 10:45 amWell it turns out that this is the response I hear from most people if and when the topic of conversation turns to the economy.. and almost NONE of the people I’ve…

Twitter hacked: Security – are they serious?

twitter today confirmed a bug which allowed a user to “force” another user to follow them… you what?!? So in the world of social media, where a user’s behavior can be socially engineered, it turns out there is a way…

Rapid-Deployment Website Development

I’ve been building websites since the mid-90’s – back when deploying a website meant learning HTML – writing the page in a TEXT EDITOR (WYSIWYG editors for websites didn’t exist really) – and then linking the pages manually, then using…

Buying local doesn’t mean snubbing everyone else – you travel once in a while don’t you?

Last updated on May 10th, 2010 at 04:50 pmI wrote the other day on someone’s post that the website they recommended wasn’t really a “local effort” – the domain was registered out of state, the hosting was out of state…