Category: The Future

we are social animal

Detecting if page is SSL in PHP – or – PHP SSL or NOT

In much earlier versions of PHP, it was easy to through a quick and dirty piece of code together and not worry about the php warnings – my first SSL-or-NOT detection was this simple: if ($_SERVER[‘HTTPS’] != “on”) { $proto…

TrixBox 2.6 Updates failing – libevent and memcached – can you fix them? Should you? NO – leave them the heck alone!!

Last updated on May 14th, 2020 at 01:00 pmRunning yum on an old trixbox yielded problems – it just couldn’t get past a dependency error… Setting up Update Process Resolving Dependencies –> Running transaction check –> Processing Dependency: for…

Someone posted this picture of Putin and Obama…

and said… “Caption this…” someone else came up with this … I thought it amusing… can you come up with a better caption? (go on.. give it a try…)

How to lose browsers and alienate your readers – dinosaur status in 3… 2… 1…

and the award for the most annoying website of the day goes to…. the Reporter Herald (I won’t even link them) … why you ask??

FreeNAS zfs export fails – the gui reports your volume status is …

Having exported (zfs speak for deleted) a volume, you can sometimes see the volume still in the gui… this is a problem – because it shows as a warning – and you don’t want warnings on what you already deleted……

Installing Windows Home Server onto a drive smaller than 160Gb

Last updated on May 14th, 2020 at 12:59 pmI was about to give up installing Windows Home Server 2011 onto an SSD – but eventually found this article… THANK YOU – it was surprisingly easy to get past this hard-coded…

Limiting spam comments on posts or images (wordpress attachments)

Last updated on June 25th, 2014 at 01:47 pmSpammers seem to have found a way of sending spam comments to your wordpress images – and there doesn’t appear (as yet) to be a way to default the options on attachments…

WordPress 3.0.2 fixes some security issues among other things – apply it today…

WordPress released the latest version of their content management system – 3.0.2 – and as usual, we recommend that you take the time to upgrade. Here is a link to the WordPress 3.0.2 release notes. This was a fairly minor…

Any support technician has calls like this …

Remember the Google pacman game? This guy will – he’ll dine out on this story for years to come…