Want to be social – in the dark, in silence?

Last updated on August 9th, 2021 at 07:49 am

I’m really not sure if this counts as being social, as you could partake of this activity alone, or with company – in the dark – probably without saying a words – please… get your mind OUT of the gutter! 😉

So what is this social activity? Going the movies of course!

Check out our phone friendly, low bandwidth movie search… sure it’s an easier way to search for movies using google – but I think I made it friendlier… at least for me.

Some points about the site;

  1. it remembers your search – because how often do you change it?
  2. it’s not some bloatware application for your phone that tries to sell you tickets
  3. you can opt to see the movie photos and review links, or not
  4. It’s great for low bandwidth applications – like iphone on 3G or Edge
  5. It is free – won’t get you to “register” and won’t ask for private details
  6. lastly, and because of “it’s free” – there are some TEXT ads from google – because bandwidth costs

So – being social – together, or all alone – please bookmark our movie showtimes search site